Mathematics and Natural Science Lecture Addendum

Course: BIOL 2401 : Anatomy and Physiology I

Instructor : Dr. Mary Weis

Office : McKinney Central Park Campus (CPC: C200A

Phone: 972-881-5725

Mail Box: CPC Instruction Office

Email :
[college web site also give access to email services]

District Discipline Syllabus can be found:

click on Biol 2401 A&P I photolink to get to course main navigation page

Office Hours : TBA in class (see information sheet given out in class)

Preparation Outside of Class:

A minimum of three (3) hours of preparation outside of class is typically expected for every hour of lecture each week. Any assignments, reading, review, or studying is in addition to this preparation time. Each student is expected to have read the assigned text material (listed on the class schedule for that week) prior to class. Science courses usually require more study time than the minimum previously discussed.

Attendance and Participation:

Regular attendance is expected and necessary for students to do well in this course. If a class is missed, it is the student's responsibility to get the information covered. Preparation before class will allow participation in class. Please ask questions. Don't wait until the last minute to clarify any information. Study daily, review old material 2-3 times weekly. Many of you are building a foundation for a solid health science career. Learn and apply the material NOW in order to build critical thinking skills required for a successful career.

Method of Evaluation:

Four (4) scheduled lecture exams will be given during the course of the semester. Each exam is worth 100 points and will be counted as 25% of the lecture grade. The exam will be given in class and a portion of the exam may be assigned outside of class.
Exams may include the following types of questions: mini essay, short answer, definitions, drawing and labeling diagrams, problem solving, multiple choice, matching, fill-in-the-blank, true/false, and essay. Most questions will require application and critical thinking skills rather than simple rote memorization. A missed exam for any reason will result in the student taking a comprehensive final exam. More than one missed regular exam will result in a zero (0) being assigned for the grade.

UNANNOUNCED lecture quizzes will be given during the semester. These optional unannounced lecture quizzes will have a total point value of 100 points and their total may be used to substitute for a lower regular exam score. There are no make-ups for missed lecture quizzes for any reason.

A comprehensive final exam worth 100 points will be available if one (1) regular exam is missed for any reason. This comprehensive exam will be given during the final exam week for the semester. The final will not be returned, but can be reviewed by appointment in the instructor's office. This exam will be kept on file for one (1) year and then destroyed.

Other graded participation activities may be assigned. See the instructor syllabus for further information.

Critical Thinking Skills:

To do well in the allied health field as well as on any exam, quiz, or lab practical, knowledge is expected to be learned and applied, not memorized. For full credit on a particular question you must be able to completely answer the question and leave the reader with a thorough understanding.

A grading rubric will be used to determine the credit given to a particular answer.

Full Credit :

All points for question awarded

You have submitted a full and complete description. The reader has no more "why", "how", or "and" type questions. All appropriate vocabulary has been used correctly.

Partial Credit:

2/3 - 3/4 total point value awarded

Your description is fairly complete; however, the reader may still be able to ask you "how", "why", or "and" at least once. Appropriate vocabulary has been incorporated in your answer.

Partial Credit:

1/2 total point value awarded

Your answer is fairly complete; however the reader may still be able to ask you "how", "why", or "and" type questions more than once. Not enough appropriate vocabulary has been included.

Partial Credit:

1/4- 1/3 total point value awarded

Your answer is on the right track, but is underdeveloped in terms of explanations and use of appropriate vocabulary.

No Credit

0 points awarded

Your answer is missing or does not address the question that has been asked.


Grading Policy:

The lecture portion of the course will be 60% of the overall grade, as stated in the M/NS division's biology departmental syllabus. The lab portion of the course will be 40% of the overall grade, as stated in the M/NS division's biology departmental syllabus.

Grades will be assigned as follows:

There will be NO curve at the end of the course.
Plan to study accordingly!

Enforcement of the right to privacy act means that grades will ONLY be discussed in person.
Grades WILL NOT be given or discussed over the phone. The college ARO services may allow you access to obtain your grades using Canvas on line or via Banner. You must have your PIN ID and password to access your personal information. Email contact regarding grades are up to the discretion of the instructor.

Cheating: Cheating on assignments, quizzes, exams, or any other evaluation method used will be dealt with according to the procedures described in the student code of conduct portion of the Collin student handbook. Please read this material and be familiar with its contents. Discussion about answers during any evaluation timeframe will also be considered as cheating and handled as previously described. Each student is responsible for their own thoughts, emotions, actions, and reactions.

Students found guilty of violations of the college's Academic Ethics / Honor Code policy in either lecture and/or lab will receive the strongest penalty available. This penalty will be a failing grade for the course (whether the student withdraws or stays enrolled), no matter how much work was accomplished.

Classroom disruptions: If you need to leave early or come in late, please do so quietly and use the exit door closest to the back of the room or sit near the exit if the door is in the front. As a courtesy, please inform your instructor if you need to leave early.
Please turn the ringer selection on all cell phones, pagers, PDAs, and any timers or watches, etc. to the OFF setting ! Cell phones and other electronic devices are to be put out of sight in purses/backpacks/etc.during class or lab time. Unapproved use of electronic devices will result in confiscation of that device for the duration of the class. If classroom disruptions continue, the dean of students will be contacted.

Use of electronic devices for medical purposes must be addressed with the instructor prior to the start of any class or lab. Other student disruptions and consequences are addressed in the Student Code of Conduct Handbook.

Electronic devices including, but not limited to, cell phones, cameras, audio or video tape recorders, and computers are prohibited without prior approval of the instructor. When allowed for note taking or recording of lectures, no authorization is granted for redistribution by student to any social media.

ALL Collin College students are responsible for the information contained in the college's handbook. The handbook is available at the registration / information desk.

Course Repeatability:

A course in which a grade (including W) has been received can be repeated only ONE time to replace the grade, without penalty.

Course Withdraw:

Any student who wishes to drop the course for any reason must officially withdraw on or before the drop date indicated in the course catalogue as well as the departmental syllabus. Students are responsible for knowing the last day to withdraw in order to receive a "W" grade. Students on the class roster after this date will be given a performance grade based on the work completed. Withdraws after the posted drop date are not permitted without bona fide documentation of extenuating circumstances. Late withdraws will be addressed on an individual basis and determined by the dean of the division.

Other pertinent Information and Suggestions:

  1. Models, slides, microscopes, charts, etc. are available at all the campus libraries for study in the Biology Science Place.
  2. Lecture notes/ review sheets are available on the instructor's web site.
    Click to access the appropriate A&P link labeled lecture notes and lecture review sheets.
  3. Visual Aids: Prentice Hall's Anatomy Video tutor is on reserve at the main desks of the campus libraries. The A.D.A.M. interactive program is also available at the CPC library. The current publisher offers a physiopack CD-ROM for purchase through the bookstore.
  4. Other textbooks suggested: Anatomy reference books by Dr. Frank Netter and Physiology reference books by Dr. Arthur Guyton.
  5. Review and study daily. Learn the material so that you can apply it. Critical thinking is the goal.
    If you know how things should normally be located, look, and act then the problems/diseases/conditions and their treatments will make sense. The key is REPEAT, REPEAT, REPEAT. Review. Apply. REPEAT, REPEAT, REPEAT.... Everything in biology BUILDS on previous courses, so tie concepts together.
  6. Read the material (lecture outline, lecture notes, textbook sections, lab book) before coming to class. Take notes as you read, take notes in class and then compare and summarize them based on lecture notes and other material. Know what will be discussed so that you can participate and be active in your particular style of learning.
    VARK learning styles link
  7. Attendance and participation IS important. Ask questions early. Don't wait until a few days before the test to get information clarified or verified.
  8. Realize that this course has a great deal of difficult, challenging, and interesting information. Remember that what you learn in your science courses has direct relevance to careers in the Allied Health Sciences and other medical fields. You WILL see this material again and be expected to know it thoroughly with minimal review time.
  9. Good study habits are important. The ACCESS office and other college organizations offer workshops. Take notes in class and also as you read assigned materials. Review them and rewrite or summarize them within 24 hours. Compare them to the lecture notes that are available to help you understand the material from different points of view.
  10. If at all possible, work or volunteer in your major field. Know what is involved before your go for the degree. Working in your chosen field will help make learning A&P more applicable and interesting.
  11. Tutoring is available if you are having trouble with concepts. Contact the ACCESS office. Consider being a tutor for a class you have taken. To become a tutor, you will need a "B" average and an interest in helping your fellow students learn and apply the material. Teaching someone else is a great way to master the subject matter. Contact the ACCESS office if you'd like to be considered for a tutoring job. Also consider being a lab TA (teaching assistant) for an instructor in a biology lab you have taken and passed with a B or better. You must have the instructor's recommendation in order to contact the lab director for these paid lab TA positions.
  12. The internet is a good resource for medical information, but be wary of the source. Medical school web sites offer the most current and reliable information, but always verify data before using this information.